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Earth Week

Having fun at an Earth Week event

Earth Week happens every April during the week of Earth Day and presents cross-disciplinary events to educate and inspire action around environmental justice, climate, and nature-based solutions.

Submit an Event to the Earth Week Calendar. 

Earth Week

Earth Week happens every April during the week of Earth Day and presents cross-disciplinary events to educate and inspire action around environmental justice, climate, and nature-based solutions.

Submit an Event to the Earth Week Calendar. 

Having fun at an Earth Week event
EW24 Logo


Earth Week at Penn is taking place April 20 - 26, 2024.  Earth Week presents an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to engage in cross-disciplinary events designed to educate and inspire action. This year’s theme is Restore & Regenerate – to inspire us to think of what replenishes and revitalizes our planet’s natural systems while building community. Earth Week elevates our collective impact by encouraging involvement from all schools and centers at Penn. For more information about serving on Penn’s Earth Week Steering Committee, please contact Noah Swistak, Sustainability Manager, at

Interested in hosting an event during Earth Week? Staff, Faculty and Students across Penn are welcome to host an event. Those hosting events are encouraged to use the Earth Week logos and graphics in your communications materials, and to submit their event to the calendar using the link below. 


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Submit an Event to the Calendar

Use the event submission form to add your event to the earth week calendar and receive the full promotional benefits of our outreach and communications.

Submit an Event to the Calendar

Use the event submission form to add your event to the earth week calendar and receive the full promotional benefits of our outreach and communications.

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