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Natural Environment

students walk down a path between a brick building and lush vegetation

Penn is a natural haven found within the heart of Philadelphia. Undoubtedly urban, our university is firmly integrated into West Philadelphia, but our environment does not end at campus borders. The organic system we foster — the trees, soils, and wildlife — all contribute to the greater environment. Penn helps to reduce urban heat island impacts, capture air pollution, reduce stormwater runoff, and provide necessary biodiverse urban habitats.

Natural Environment

Penn is a natural haven found within the heart of Philadelphia. Undoubtedly urban, our university is firmly integrated into West Philadelphia, but our environment does not end at campus borders. The organic system we foster — the trees, soils, and wildlife — all contribute to the greater environment. Penn helps to reduce urban heat island impacts, capture air pollution, reduce stormwater runoff, and provide necessary biodiverse urban habitats.

students walk down a path between a brick building and lush vegetation

Penn’s natural environment mission is to reduce our environmental footprint by adopting best practices for ecological landscapes. This commitment to sustainable land management has created a balanced, naturally resilient, and beautiful campus ecosystem. 

Under the Climate and Sustainability Action Plan 4.0,  the Ecological Landscape Stewardship Plan (ELSP) builds on Penn’s landscape best practices. ELSP improves ecological design and management of landscapes and open spaces across campus, fostering diverse beauty and balance throughout. Penn’s main campus, for example, is located in the center of a metropolis and is a level-2 certified arboretum. ​​

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Our Progress

Of our campus is dedicated green space, creating a powerful ecologically-balanced landscape.
Trees contribute to the beauty and balance of Penn’s ecologically sustainable campus.
Green roofs reduce stormwater runoff, cool and minimize solar heat gain, and increase plant, insect and animal habitats.
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a welcoming open space of lawn which is surrounded by tree-lined walkways. A flagpole with sculpted figures as the base stands on a pillar of steps along one of the walkways.
a lake feature in an urban park. Students are sitting on stones and benches lining the lake. On the far end a couple can be seen sitting at a picnic table.
glass panes on doors with large windows are shown with a pattern of dots that have been added to minimize bird strikes
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“Having the plan lends us this galvanizing energy around the importance of ecology in how we do things.” 

- Robert Lundgren, University Landscape Architect
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