Student Advisory Group for the Environment (SAGE)

The Student Advisory Group for the Environment (SAGE) advises on Penn's Climate and Sustainability Action Plans.
Student Advisory Group for the Environment (SAGE)
The Student Advisory Group for the Environment (SAGE) advises on Penn's Climate and Sustainability Action Plans.

At a Glance
SAGE was formed in the fall of 2017 as a means for undergraduate and graduate students to provide feedback on Penn’s Climate Action Plan 2.0, launched in 2014. Since then, SAGE has provided recommendations during the authoring and execution of the five-year Climate and Sustainability Action Plans 3.0 and 4.0, launched and planned to launch in 2019 and 2024, respectively.
SAGE works closely with other members of the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee (ESAC) on the development and execution of the goals identified in Penn's CSAPs. In addition, SAGE communicates and promotes environmentally focused resources and serves to increase transparency between the student body and administration regarding environmental sustainability initiatives.
SAGE has included representation from the Undergraduate Assembly (UA), Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA), Student Sustainability Association at Penn (SSAP), Climate Leaders @ Penn (CL@P), Penn Sustainability Office, other campus organizations, and at-large student membership.
Get Involved
All students are welcome to submit their application to become a SAGE member by filling out this this form. A PSO staff member or SAGE representative will follow up with more information about membership. Thank you for your interest in SAGE and commitment to advancing sustainability efforts at Penn.