Green Living Certification

Green Living Certification provides students the opportunity to reflect on and be rewarded for their environmental impact.
Green Living Certification
Green Living Certification provides students the opportunity to reflect on and be rewarded for their environmental impact.

At a Glance
Green Living Certification provides recognition for the individual decisions you make on a daily basis to live in a sustainable way, even if seemingly small. Everyone has a critical role to play in the University’s sustainability initiatives, and in moving towards a more resilient future.
Certification is open to all currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students living on and off campus. Instructions on how to apply are detailed below.
All certified students receive a Green Living Certified sticker, and are entered into raffles throughout the year for fun, reusable prizes.
How To Get Certified
- Complete the Green Living Survey. The survey takes 5-10 minutes to complete. You will answer questions about your living habits as they relate to sustainability and environmental impact. Each question is worth 1 point.
- There are three levels of certification awarded based on how many points you achieve. Each level provides you with an additional entry into raffles to win fun, reusable prizes. Prizes include reusable tote bags, water bottles, metal straws and more.
- You will receive your “Green Living Certified” sticker in the mail according to the level you qualify for. You will be notified via email if you win prizes from raffles throughout the year.
Certification levels:
- BRONZE - Achieved at least all prerequisites and at least 10 points.
- SILVER - Achieved all perquisites and at least 20 points
- GOLD - Achieved all prerequisites, at least 20 points, and completed all bonus questions.

Green Living Guide
For a more detailed guide to the survey, including tips on how to live more sustainably at Penn, read the Green Living Certification Guide.