Tours & Maps
Specialty Recycling Collections Map

Recyclable items that cannot be placed in the University's single stream bins can often be recycled at a designated Specialty Recycling Collections site across campus. This includes a variety of items including batteries, light bulbs, shoes, pens, and more.
Specialty Recycling Collections Map
Recyclable items that cannot be placed in the University's single stream bins can often be recycled at a designated Specialty Recycling Collections site across campus. This includes a variety of items including batteries, light bulbs, shoes, pens, and more.

Recyclable items that cannot be placed in the University's single-stream bins can often be recycled at a designated at a specialty recycling collection site across campus. This includes a variety of items including batteries, light bulbs, shoes, pens, and more. As part of Penn's commitment to reducing its waste, schools, centers, and departments have collaboratively developed a comprehensive and convenient Specialty Recycling Collections program. This initiative is sponsored by each unit, which hosts and funds the collection and recycling of their own sites.
This initiative focuses on collecting and responsibly managing various types of waste materials that require specialized handling and recycling processes. The program reflects our shared dedication and responsibility to reducing the campus's environmental impact, promoting waste diversion, and educating its community about the importance of sustainable waste management practices.
Below is a detailed list of what can be recycled on campus in at each Specialty Recycling Collections site.
College Houses: Du Bois, Gregory, Harnwell, Harrison, Kings Court English, Lauder, New College House West, The Quad, Rodin, Stouffer
Facilities and Real Estate Services: Rear Kitchen
Penn Dental Medicine: Levy Lobby, Schattner Lobby
Penn Engineering: Levine: 168, 403, 459, 502; LRSM 200; Moore 203; Singh 220; Skirkanich 240; Towne: B13, 226A, 311A
Penn Law: Golkin Hall, Room 102
Perelman School of Medicine: Clinical Research Building, 1st Floor Break Room (Room 102); Anatomy/Chemistry, Room 217
School of Arts and Sciences: Contact Sara King for specific information on collection locations.
School of Nursing: Fagin Hall, Main Entrance Vestibule
School of Social Policy and Practice: Caster, 1st Floor
Wharton: Huntsman Hall: Wharton Operations (Suite F30); Steinberg Hall - Dietrich Hall (Guard Desk at Locust Walk Entry); Vance Hall (Guard Desk at Main Entrance)
See University Battery Disposal Policy.
Penn Engineering: Levine Recycling Room (L166C)
Penn Nursing: Fagin Hall, Suite M-18 (textbooks)
Facilities and Real Estate Services: Rear Kitchen
Penn Engineering: Levine Recycling Room (L166C)
School of Arts and Sciences: Contact Sara King for specific information on collection locations.
School of Nursing: Fagin Hall, Main Entrance Vestibule
School of Social Policy and Practice: Caster B28
Wharton: Vance Hall, 2nd Floor through Wharton Computing (WCIT)
See EHRS' Computer & Electronics Recycling and Disposal Options.
Facilities and Real Estate Services: Rear Kitchen
Penn Dental Medicine: Levy Lobby
Penn Law: Tanenbaum Hall, Staff Lounge
Perelman School of Medicine: Clinical Research Building, 1st Floor Break Room (Room 102); Anatomy/Chemistry, Room 217
School of Nursing: Fagin Hall, Main Entrance Vestibule
Review Environmental Health & Radiation Safety's toolkit on Regulated Waste, including information on glove and mask recycling options.
College Houses: Du Bois, Gregory, Harnwell, Harrison, Kings Court English, Lauder, New College House West, The Quad, Rodin, Stouffer
Facilities and Real Estate Services: Rear Kitchen
Penn Engineering: Levine Recycling Room (L166C)
Perelman School of Medicine: Clinical Research Building, 1st Floor Break Room (Room 102); Anatomy/Chemistry, Room 217
School of Social Policy and Practice: Caster, 1st Floor
Purchasing Services hosts an online exchange for surplus Penn property. On behalf of School and Center departments, staff and faculty may post no longer needed items (lab equipment, furniture, and office supplies) to buy, sell, and/or trade. Visit Ben's Attic
Penn Engineering: Levine Recycling Room (L166C)
Division of Public Safety: 4040 Chestnut Street, Lobby
School of Social Policy and Practice: Caster, 1st Floor & 3815 Walnut St., 1st Floor Break Room
Perelman School of Medicine: Anatomy/Chemistry, Room 217
School of Nursing: Ragin Hall, Main Entrance Vestibule
- Only accepts gently used scrubs for reuse.
Facilities and Real Estate Services: Rear Kitchen
Information Systems & Computing (ISC): 3401 Walnut Street, Suites 265B and 337A
Perelman School of Medicine: Anatomy/Chemistry, Room 217
School of Nursing: Ragin Hall, Main Entrance Vestibule
Review the Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Program for freezer recycling vendor information and to learn how a receive $500 recycling rebate.
Facilities and Real Estate Services: Rear Kitchen
Penn Dental Medicine: Levy 244
Penn Engineering: Levine Recycling Room (L166C)
Perelman School of Medicine: Clinical Research Building, 1st Floor Break Room (Room 102); Anatomy/Chemistry, Room 217
School of Nursing: Ragin Hall, Main Entrance Vestibule
Wharton: Huntsman Hall Wharton Operations (Suite F30); Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall (Guard Desk at Locust Walk Entry); Vance Hall (Guard Desk at Main Entrance)