Students Green Living Certification Green Living Certification provides students the opportunity to reflect on and be rewarded for their environmental impact.
Alumni Faculty Staff Students LinkedIn Alumni Network The Sustainability Alumni Network brings together members of the Penn community who are interested in environmental sustainability.
Alumni Faculty Staff Students My Climate Story My Climate Story is a public research project that encourages participants to consider global climate change on a personal scale.
Students Off-campus Move Out In partnership with the Office of Community & Government Affairs, the Office of Social Equity and Community, Penn Sustainability is improving campus move-out days by reducing litter and providing resources for handling unwanted items, furniture drives, curbside bulk trash pick-up, donation drop-off stations, and collaboration with neighborhood groups.
Faculty Staff Students Penn Farm Penn Farm engages stakeholders from across the Penn community around wellness, food access, sustainability, and education.
Faculty Staff Students Penn Park Orchard A community orchard aiming to educate and create access to local food next to Penn Farm.
Students PennGreen A Pre-Orientation Program for incoming students that provides opportunities to engage with sustainability.
Students Student Advisory Group for the Environment (SAGE) The Student Advisory Group for the Environment (SAGE) advises on Penn's Climate and Sustainability Action Plans.